
MEC has an excellent library that houses the resources over 34,611 volumes of Technical, Humanities and Sciences and its related fields. It has subscription to GALE CENGAGE (IESTC & IMC) for full text e-journals. The titles and volumes in all the fields are constantly updated as per the recommendations given by the library committee. Newspapers, weekly and fortnightly magazines of repute are also subscribed to enable the students to keep abreast of day-to-day activities.

The library is fully automated and the Integrated Library System (ILS) provides opportunity for better management and use of library resources. The ILMS software was installed in 2018 and it is regularly maintained and updated through AMC. The library automation helps users finding resources for reading, teaching and learning. It helps the library staff managing cataloguing, and other functions. It reduces the staff work load and improves the efficient utilization of library resources. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) is provided in the Library to ensure easy search and access of books. The college library and department library are inter connected through the ILS. All the books are bar coded. Reprographic facilities for the benefit of students and teacher is available.


Currently the library has 34611 Volumes / 10342 titles; International Journals: 587, National Journals: 25.  In addition, the institute has digital library section too.

The new resources are being introduced through print media and electronic resources as well. The library resources need up dating. In order to improve services, budgetary support is provided by the institute. Budget is allocated for library at 5 lakhs for each academic year. Each and Every year the institute spends more than 3.5 Lakhs to purchase the text and reference books based on the requirement / requisition from the various departments in the organization

Students use libraries to enhance their classroom experiences. Libraries assist the students to improve good reading and learning habits. The libraries provide information and assistance that are necessary for learning and progress. Per day, over 20% of the students and staff utilize the library effectively. The library functions in all working days from 7 AM to 7 PM.

Digital Library section is one of the important places in the library. The library users can have access to various resources online. They can be remotely accessed through:


There are 10 computers available exclusively for accessing the e-resources. The students have opportunity for self-learning through various e-course materials from NPTEL and other MOOC.

List of Top Free Book Download Websites

  • Smash words.
  • Project Gutenberg.
  • Many books.
  • Open Library.
  • Free Computer Books.
  • Google eBook store.
  • LibriVox.
  • Internet Archive


  • Collection of more than 34611 + books under 10342 titles
  • 587+ e-Journals
  • Separate digital library with 10 systems
  • Membership in DELNET, GALE DATABASE
  • Fully automated
  • Wi-Fi facility
  • Separate OPAC system to users
  • Reprography services
  • NPTEL course materials with 235+ courses in web/video formats