National Service Scheme (NSS)

MEC, being the top engineering college encourages its students to participate in NSS (National Service Scheme). This helps the students to understand the society better and play their role in improving the nation and help the society in need.

Through NSS unit our students have developed a passion to serve for the society. A weeklong NSS camp is organized every year by adopting a village near the campus and conduct medical / eye camp, veterinary camp, cleaning the village, etc.

The NSS unit of Mailam Engineerng College, in association with Anna University, Chennai had organized a 7-Day camp at the village Kanniyam which is located in Villupuram District. The camp was inaugurated on 17th March 2016 and was wounded up on 23rd March 2016. The underlined motto of the weeklong camp was “Healthy Youth For Healthy India”.

On 17th March, 2016, To create a lifelong memory and to promote a green serene environment, the volunteers planted a lot of saplings of various kinds like Almond, Neem, Banyan and Babul all along the road side which connects the village Kanniam to the National Highway. NSS volunteers worked tirelessly and enthusiastically in digging pits for the plantation.

On 18th March 2016, all through the forenoon, to protect the saplings from cattle, the volunteers put fencing. On the same day, in the afternoon, a seminar had been organized.Shri. M.K.C. Rajendiran, Organizer, Association for Cultural Awareness, Villupuram, delivered a lecture on “Pudhu Yugam Paddaipom, Ini Oru Ulagum Seivom”. It was very informative and brought a positive change in the attitude of the students.

On 19th March, 2016, the volunteers went on uprooting the bushes which had grown all along the roadside. They also cleaned the walls of public buildings like school, temple and other govt. buildings which had been covered with unwanted notices.

On 20th March, 2016, Sports and Games were conducted for the school students. Many students enthusiastically took part in the events and won prizes. Those sports and games helped them to rejuvenate their energy.

On 21st March, 2016, a program was held on “Organic Farming”. Shri. M. Ramamurthy, Secretary, Asia Water Resources and Environment Development Organization were present on the occasion and addressed the people. He, in his address, spoke in detail, the various reasons for the degradation in farming. After the program, the volunteers met the local villagers at their fields itself and told them the adverse effects of using fertilizers and pesticides in their fields. They were advised to use manure instead of fertilizers. It brought a significant awareness among the villagers.

On 22nd March, 2016, a Veterinary Camp was held. The people of surrounding villages were informed of the camp by issuing pamphlets by the volunteers a day before the camp. There was an overwhelming response from the side of the villagers. Since the cattle population is more in this vicinity, a lot of cattle had been brought for various treatments. A team consisting of medical personals, under Shri. K. Magendiran, Deputy Director, Veterinary Department, Tindivanam had come for this purpose. As many as fifty cattle were given proper treatments and the cattle owners were given away some useful tips by the team of doctors with regards to the care that should be taken for their cattle.

On 23rd March, 2016, in the morning, “Computer Training” was given by Mr. P. Saravanan, Asst. Prof. Dept. of IT/MEC to the school students and another program on “Enhancement of Teaching –Learning Process” was given by Shri . G. Annamalai, AEEO, (Retired), Villupuram. The program helped the students to augment their skill of learning.