International Journal

For any prospecting scientist or student should aim at higher on their work. One of the best ways to do it is by publishing their work in an international journal. But it is no easy work to do so. Only if the presented material is of a good quality then it may get published.

Publishing in an international journal is a way to show that your work is of top quality. Your credibility will increase if you are able to publish in a foreign journal.

It is important to publish ones work in these journals because of the credibility it brings to your career, sponsor etc.

It also helps one to explore the foreign environment and makes ones one opportunity wide open. In the international stage it helps one to gain importance, especially for scientist. It also helps on to get exposed to the work of foreign scientists and students. The more citation one puts in his/her work, the more popular he/she becomes.

Let us see some of the international journal publications done by the students and staffs of the best placement engineering college, Mailam engineering college.

  • S. Senthil, “Windmill Power Generation using Multi-Generator and Single Rotor”, IISTE publication paper accepted in International journal of Energy technologies and policy”, (Impact Factor=5.54)
  • S. Senthil, “Reduction of Air Pollution by Removal of Harmful Gas Molecules from Man-Made Exhaust” (GasMolecular Precipitator GMP) paper accepted in Int. Journal Global Warming”, (Impact Factor=0.54)
  • S. Senthil, “Experimental Investigation on a Centrifugal Compressor by means squealer tips”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, vol.3, pp 1597 – 1608.
  • S. Senthil, “Experimental Investigation on a Centrifugal Compressor by means squealer tips based on exit flow measurements”, International Journal of dynamics of Fluids. ISSN 0973-1784, vol.5, pp 1-14
  • S. Senthil, “Experimental Investigation on a Centrifugal Compressor by means rectangular elliptical and sloping squealer tips”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN 0974 – 6846, vol.2, pp 30-34.
  • S. Senthil, “Experimental Investigation on a Centrifugal Compressor by means of pressure side Squealer tips”, Journal of technology World. ISSN 0974 – 8377, vol.X1, pp 6-9.
  • R. Rajappan, “Comparative Study of Jet Aspect Ratio Effect on Near Field of Turbulent Jet Mixing in a Cross Flow”, Journal of Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics of Inter Science Publications, 2011.
  • R. Rajappan, “Computational study of free stream turbulence effect on film cooling using two different models”, Journal of Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics of Inter Science Publications, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 96-104, 2011.
  • R. Rajappan, “Windmill Power Generation using Multi-Generator and Single Rotor”, IISTE publication paper accepted in International journal of Energy technologies and policy”, (Impact Factor=5.54)
  • R. Rajappan, “Optimization and Analysis of Plastic Fuel in 4 Stroke IC Engine ”, “IISTE publication paper accepted in International journal of Energy technologies and policy”, (Impact Factor=5.54)
  • R. Rajappan, “Reduction of Air Pollution by Removal of Harmful Gas Molecules from Man-Made Exhaust” (GasMolecular Precipitator GMP) paper accepted in Int. Journal Global Warming”, (Impact Factor=0.54)
  • R. Rajappan, “ Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Of Skin Panel Based On the Fiber Orientation And Stacking Sequence” Published in IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering.
  • N.Muralikrishnan, “A differential evolution algorithm for solving the multi objective emission constrained economic power dispatch considering transmission network lossess.” European journal of scientific research. vol.67,No. 3, pp.378-388, 2012.
  • N.Muralikrishnan, “Comparison between two Difference combination of FACTS Devices in Voltage Stability limit Enhancement and Active power loss minimization through shuffled frog leading algorithm under stressed conditions” Archives Des Sciences Vol 65, No. 11,pp.180-195, 2012.
  • N.Muralikrishnan, “Combinations of FACTS Devices under Stressed Conditions Voltage Stability Limit Enhancement and Active Power Loss Minimization Comparison between Two Differents. Wulfenia journal, Vol 19, No. 10;pp.369-384, 2012.
  • M. Ramalingam, ‘A framework for fine grained access in semantic web services by using policy-based semantic access control’, International Journal of Review and Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering (IJRRASE), vol.3, no.1, pp.1-6, ISSN: 2231- 0061X, 2013.
  • M. Ramalingam, ‘A Novel content for fine grained Access in semantic web services by using policy based semantic access control’, Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (AJEAT), vol.1, no.1, pp.27-34, ISSN: 0976-1349, 2013.
  • M. Ramalingam, ‘A fine grained service oriented identity authentication and privacy protection method’, Singapore Journal of Scientific Research (SJSR) and International Journal of Data Engineering (IJDE), vol.5, no.1, pp.30-36, ISSN : 1205-2421, 2013.
  • M. Ramalingam, ‘Secure semantic aware middleware: A security based semantic access control for web services’, International Review on Computer and Software (IRECOS) Vol. 8 , No. 9, pp. 2136-2141, September 2013, ISSN: 1828-6003, 2013.
  • M. Ramalingam, ‘Automated Analysis of Semantic-Aware Access Control Policies: A Logic-Based Approach’, Pensee Journal Vol. 75, No. 12, pp. 117-128, December 2013, ISSN: 0031-4773, 2013.
  • M. Ramalingam, ‘Policy-Based Semantic Access Control Framework for Fine-Grained Access in Semantic Web Services’, European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR), vol.74, no.1, pp.154-163, ISSN: 1450-216X, 2012.
  • T. Priyaradhikadevi, ‘Implementation of Rank Based Semantics Association for Service Discovery and Composition’, International Journal of Science and Research, vol 2, no1, pp.188-191, 2013.
  • T. Priyaradhikadevi, ‘Deriving Quality Requirements by Mapping Strategy for Service Based Systems’, European Journal of Scientific Research, vol.96, no.3, pp.426-436, 2013.
  • T. Priyaradhikadevi, ‘Requirement Engineering for Service based Systems’, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, vol.7, no.2, pp.01-08, 2012.
  • T. Priyaradhikadevi, ‘Analyzing Mapping Technique in Ontology by Implementation of RUP ‘,International Journal of Emerging Trends and Technology in Computer Science, vol. 1,no.4 ,pp.81-86, 2012.
  • S. Sundararaman, ‘Treatment of Industrial Analgesic Wastewater by Submerged Membrane Bioreactor”, international journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.Volume-2, Issue-5 Published on June 30, pp. 311 – 313, 2013.